Liberalism is a Mental Disorder


Title: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Author: Michael Savage

Format: Audiobook

Narrator: Mark Warner (not sure why a guy who has a nationally broadcast radioshow wouldn’t narrate his own books. Maybe he is trying to create jobs!)

Source: Public Library

Rating: 3

Every time he emphasizes an idea it is called Savage solutions– I am guessing that was one of his taglines from his radio show.

The first portion of the book was about Muslim extremist.  He references Gen. Patton “There is only one tactical principle which is not subject to change. It is to use the means at hand to inflict the maximum amount of wound, death, and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time.”  He thinks that President Bush should have bombed everything and then killed anyone who was left.

After the proposal to kill all the Muslim to save America, Savage then it goes into illegal immigrants who also are ruining America.  Written in 2005 Savage discusses how many people were pouring in over our southern border.  In my reading in 2018, this is still a hot point. Savage who is a child of immigrants knows how hard it is to come over legally.  He sees this as a huge problem that we allow immigrants in to take low wage earning jobs.  He states how the poor blacks and the poor whites (like in grapes of wrath) harvest vegetables and that is who should be doing it.

This was an interesting read because he would talk about how the “Stupid” liberal are sissifying the world.  But then he would talk about how stupid you “the reader” is and how you didn’t pay attention like he has.  It was interesting to be insulted by the author.  I was not used to that tactic. Multiple times he tells the reader how much they didn’t pay attention in school and how gullible we were for being liberals.  Normally books like this are written to point out what the other side is doing and not even thinking that people from the other side may be reading this book.

Savage says we should have a 0% corporate tax.  He believes that if companies do not have to pay taxes, they will be more likely to keep their businesses in the US.  He also admits that that budget would take a huge monetary hit initially but states that eventually companies will pass down the money to the workers and that money will be taxed more thus equaling out the budget.

 America seems to have a blind spot as far as dictators are concerned.  Savage was discussing Yasser Arafat. But this could really be taken further.  We do allow a Dictator to get away with more than normal leaders.  Speaking of the Left Savage says they do not want dialogue they want dominion.  But really in 2018 neither side of the political aisle seems to want dialogue.  They both only want to push their agenda.

 So my advice is read things by people you don’t always agree with.  Try to see where they are coming from.  Sometimes you will learn to hash out and refine your own ideas, sometimes you will see things from a different point of view. As Savage says don’t become Sheeple. Constantly read to find out what all sides are all about.

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